Hi! Welcome to my site. My name is Wendy, and I am a crafter. I can honestly say that I have been a crafter for as long as I can remember. Having a craft area in my parent's cellar as a young girl didn't seem unusual to me; I thought everyone had one. Over the years my interests have ranged from the early days of sand candles and tie-dye, through to latch hook rugs, embroidery, and stained glass... you name a craft and I have probably tried it! This is my story of how “Beach Angels Gifts” came to be.


In 2008, I was laid off from an administrative job in real estate and was advised in career counselling that there were no jobs available in my field and my best bet was to find something I loved and make a business out of it. Wow - what a concept! While visiting my sister shortly after, she had on the most adorable angel earrings, inspiring my first jewelry items! Next thing I knew, I was working 14 hours a day at home making angel earrings, in all the colors of the rainbow… I was off and running!


I’ve had many crafting companies since then, starting with “Glass Garden” in 1998, which eventually evolved into “AngelsNRainbows”, getting closer to my current themes of beaches, angels rainbows at each step. I have been selling my products on Etsy, and through my own website, along with craft shows and flea markets. In 2014, I was still unemployed and feeling desperate. I started researching Angels, and truly believe my Guardian Angels have gently guided me every step of the way. Whenever I didn't think I would be able to make it, I would get an order that was in the exact amount I needed to support myself.


​Fast forward to 2019. I had been making angel, rainbow and beach themed jewelry for years, found work in real estate again and was doing yard sales. I lived in North Carolina for 15 years and missed home. As the saying goes, "You can shake the sand from your shoes, but it will never leave your soul". It was in August of 2019 that I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer – and my angels came to my rescue again. With months of chemotherapy and radiation to endure, I was unable to work at my “real job”. I refocused on my handcrafted jewelry business to make ends meet, and am now in remission, with my newest inspiration, “Beach Angel Gifts”.


Angels, rainbows, and a love of the beach are the motivations for this eclectic online collection of handcrafted, quality costume jewelry, and decorative, vintage & collectible items. I hope that you find just what you are looking for, whether for yourself, or someone else. Look around and find something that resonates with you and helps you bring the serenity of the beach home with you today!


I hope that you find just what you were looking for, whether it be for yourself or for gift-giving.  I look forward to a smooth and expedient buyer/seller relationship and strive to provide excellent customer service. If at anytime during our relationship you feel uneasy, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I will address any issues in a timely, polite and professional manner and hope that you as a buyer will afford me the same courtesy.


Love, Light and Angel Blessings,
